Gene Marshall


It Came from Over There



(Original 1952 poster from my personal collection)


In 1952, with the onslaught of science-fiction films with a message (often supporting world-peace and anti-atomic ideas), Monolithic Studios decided to put their top-draw, Gene Marshall, in just such a film. Unable to sign Trent Osbourne for the male lead, Monolithic decided that it would be an unique twist for Gene to depend entirely on herself for her own defense from the Big Monster. In the first half of the film, Gene, as a spirited and determined young secretary, battles with day to day office and romantic problems. But as Gene goes on with her daily jobs, a fearsome robot ('Robot the Robot' played by "Robot 2000," in an Oscar©-nominated role) descends in his space-ship from the skies above, carrying with him a message of peace from his own planet. The fondly-remembered climax of the film begins as Gene drives home from work, and is attacked by Robot (who is not familiar with the customs of planet Earth). She screams for help, but no help comes. Gene is seized by the monstrous creature, and is carried off. Gathering up all her courage and strength, Gene breaks loose and pulls out a gun. Baffling Robot completely, Gene drives home and alerts the authorities. The authorities arrest Robot on charges of disturbing the peace, but Robot soon makes it clear that his mission is a mission of peace. The movie concludes with Robot and Gene shaking hands on National Television, broadcasted from the United Nations Building where Robot can make his overture of peace to the entire world. The film, directed by Frank Capricious and produced by Samuel Goldbug, was nominated for Best Special Effects and Best Cinematography. Amusing but rather silly when viewed today, the film holds up principally because of Miss Marshall's lively performance (and also, of course, because of the appealing quiet strength of Robot).


Here are some stills from the famous climax.

(Film stills courtesy my personal)


___________Gene steps out of her car. ________Robot approaches her. ___Gene screams for help.


_______"Trent, Trent, where are you?" __SRobot radiates charm and good looks____Gene is seized.


_______Gene is carried off by Robot...But wait -- "Since Trent isn't here I'll just have to take care of myself!" She does.


_______________"Hands up!" __________________Robot is baffled.________"Who needs Trent?"



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I am in no way affiliated with the Oscar© awards. I am also in no way affiliated with Ashton Drake and Mel Odom, the names and characters Gene Marshall, Trent Osborne or Monolithic Studios, other than as a fan and proud owner of the Gene Marshall doll. I also am in no way affiliated with the manufacturer of "Robot 2000."

This page was last updated on 04/25/01


Note: The Gene shown in the pictures above is a Simply Gene Raven, wearing the Little Black Dress.