

Review and Commentary:


Overview and the Good News: I had really wanted this evening gown, because I love the Western/Spanish theme, and I loved the blue and black colors. However, in reality, as you can see above, the dress is actually teal, not blue as in the original Ashton Drake pictures. The teal is very nice, although it's not what I expected. The dress has been made of Ashton Drake's usual crepe-y fabric (which I rather like). The gold trim is sort of a rick-rack ribbon, but it doesn't look bad. The dress, on the whole, looks very nice on Gene, although I almost like the dress better without the bolero jacket than without (unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Gene without the jacket at this time). On the whole, although this dress is not a "dazzler," it is very nice.

The Bad News: This dress comes with the dreaded ribbon shoes, but actually, I think they're just fine with this outfit (especially as you can't see them under the dress), and since I have only a few Gene outfits, and only a couple of those have ribbon shoes, I'm not sick of them yet. The hairbow is rather non-descript, and there really is no way to put it in Simply Gene's hair (at least, the way it is now). I liked the jewelry, which consists of a pair of little "gold nugget" earrings and a matching "gold nugget" necklace. The problem is, I can't get the necklace on! It is too "short" for me to be able to fasten it around Gene's neck. Therefore, so far Gene has not worn that necklace. The only other issue is that my bolero jacket had a hook, but not an eye (thread loop), and I haven't bothered to sew a new one on yet. That's not a major issue, but it annoyed me just a tiny bit. Otherwise, this is a very pretty little outfit. Simply Gene Raven's hair looks nice with it.





Gene in Hacienda.




I am in no way affiliated with Ashton Drake or Mel Odom, other than as a proud owner of a Gene Marshall doll.

I do not necessarily endorse any of the advertisements displayed at the top of these pages.

These pages were last updated on 06/02/01


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