

Because Gene Marshall and her friends are linked to reality in more ways than one, this page will ramble about my speculations regarding the links between the fantasy world of Gene and the 'real world' of classic Hollywood and fashion.


Who is Gene Marshall?

It is generally acknowledged that actress Gene Tierney was the principle prototype for Gene Marshall, the doll. Certainly Gene M looks rather like Gene T, although Gene M's customary make-up is far heavier than anything I have yet seen on Gene T. (I have always believed that Gene M is essentially a characature of classic actresses, albeit a pretty characature, once you understand this concept). However, Gene M's 'perfect' life is very different from the personal life of Gene T. Gene M.'s only real tradgedy so far revealed was the death of her brother, but Gene T's life was more than riddled with personal difficulties.

However, there was at one time a discussion on Vicky's Bulletin Board which concerned which actresses "were" Gene to certain people. I believe that one of the people felt that Ann Sothern "was" Gene, but I can't remember any of the others. I think that Gene, because she was the only doll in the line for so long came to represent many different actresses (see Movie and Costume Associations). I think that Gene is a little like Lauren Bacall, as both of them started their careers as models, and got into the movies early. They both were instant hits, and both of their first movies were of the "film noir" category.

Who is Madra Lord?

During Toy Fair Weekend 2001, Mel Odom held several chats with Gene fans, and the chat logs of these chats were posted on Vicky's Bulletin Board. As it turned out, Mel Odom did not actually chat with those lucky enough to be "present," but rather, someone else 'stood in' for him, and did the typing and actual answering of questions. Not all questions were answered, but one of the questions that was answered concerned Madra and which real actresses she was influenced by. The spokeswoman for Mel Odom stated that Madra was inspired by Joan Crawford (which was guessed at), Lucille Ball (somewhat unexpected, at least for me), and I believe, Bette Davis.

I suppose that looks-wise (especially as concerns the red-headed dolls) Madra is like Lucille Ball, but to me, she is mostly like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford because of the type of roles she plays, and because of her...somewhat 'tough' personality, on and off screen. Also, I rather think that Madra looks a little like Joan Crawford.

Who is Trent Osbourne?

Ashton Drake, I believe, merely stated that Trent was meant to be the epitome of the male classic movie actor of the '30s and '40s (and '50s). I do not believe that they have so far stated that he was inspired by anyone in particular. However, the first doll has been released with a mustache, and relatively few actors of those decades sported mustaches. Several people (including myself) have commented on the similarity of Trent (looks-wise, at least) to Clark Gable. But several people (including myself) have also commented on Trent's resemblance to Errol Flynn, not even so much in looks (as Trent is very dark) but in character. Trent is supposed to be somewhat...er...wild, and this would certainly match up with Errol Flynn's life story. Also, Flynn did sometimes wear a mustache, so there is a further connection there. I personally think that Trent may have been a little inspired by Tyrone Power.

Gene Movie and Costume Associations and Influences

Shooting Star: I most definitely see Dale Evans influences in this line. The costumes 'Shooting Star' and 'Don't Fence Me In,' and the storyline are extremely reminiscent of the Roy Rogers movies of the late '40s and early '50s. However, the two evening dresses, 'Heart's Afire' and 'Hacienda' (although that's a personal outfit, and not a movie outfit) remind me very much of the MGM musicals of the late '40s and early '50s (such as "Fiesta").

Love's Ghost (Midnight Angel): I think that this move was probably inspired by "The Ghost and Mrs Muir." Although I have not actually seen this movie, the plot is so unusual (and so close to "Love's Ghost") that I really think that's what inspired "Love's Ghost". Also, Gene Tierney stars in "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir," and that's kind of a "dead giveaway" right there. Because I haven't seen this movie, I don't know if they clothes are historical or contemporary. If they are contemporary, then may I suggest that the historical nature of the costumes from "Love's Ghost" were inspired by another Tieney film (and another slightly off-beat one), "Dragonwyck."

Daughter of the Nile: I definitely think that this costume was influenced by "The Egyptian,", in which Gene Tierney played a part.

Madra Movie and Costume Associations and Influences

Mad About Mitzi: I'm sure that "Mad About Mitzi" was inspired by the "Frances the Talking Mule" films. The whole idea of Mitzi, the talking dog simply must be associated with Francis.

Unsung Melody: I have no idea what film this plot was inspired by (if it was inspired by any film in particular), but I must say that in my opinion (and my mother's) Unsung Melody Madra looks just like Cyd Charisse.

Trent Movie and Costume Associations and Influences

Royal Military: I'm not sure what film this costume was really inspired by (if any), but it certainly makes me think of "The Prisoner of Zenda," especially the 1950s version. It also reminds me of the 1950s "The Student Prince."




Girl Star and Monolithic Studios Associations and Influences



I am in no way affiliated with Ashton Drake, Mel Odom, the names Gene Marshall, Trent Osborne, Madra Lord, Monolithic Studios, or the book "Girl Star,"other than as a fan and a proud owner of the Gene Marshall doll. I am also not affiliated with any of the films mentioned above.

I do not necessarily endorse any of the advertisements displayed at the top of these pages.

These pages were last updated on 06/02/01


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