The Dolls and the Costumes


These pages will focus on how Gene, the doll, actually looks in "real life" (as opposed to how she looks in the "publicity photos" that Ashton Drake releases). As of now, I only own one Gene (Simply Gene Raven), and I actually intend to only own one Gene (unless I totally break down, or unless I buy other Genes to repaint -- but let's not get into that yet). However, these pages will also examine Gene's costumes. Later on, I hope to have several Madra pages, and when I do, I will also examine Madra and her costumes. Until then, however, I will categorize any Madra costumes I own with Gene's costumes. I will probably review the costumes and dolls as well. The dolls and costumes will be listed in the order that I purchased them.

Important Note: These pages were created before Marcia of Facets by Marcia created the fabulous Gene Database. With these pages, I was originally trying to give more detailed photos of Gene's costumes, but Marcia has done just that in a much more complete way with the Gene Database. She has done a really fabulous service to Gene collectors, and I am proud to say that a small number of the photographs were taken by me. Anyway, I will not be focusing much on these Costume pages anymore, since there really isn't much of a need for my detailed pictures now that the Gene Database is here. However, I will still keep up the pages I already have, and I may well add some more, just because I (and other Gene fans also, I presume) always like to see photographs of Gene in all her costumes.


Warmest Wishes

Shooting Star

First Stop Chicago


Simply Gene Raven

Coffee Klatch


Pink Lightning


I am in no way affiliated with Ashton Drake or Mel Odom, other than as a proud owner of a Gene Marshall doll.

I do not necessarily endorse any of the advertisements displayed at the top of these pages.

These pages were last updated on 07/16/01

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